15 Things We Can Do to Save the Oceans

Save The Seven Seas

Every living thing on this planet is defendant on the Ocean. It covers approximately 70% of the Earth’s surface and contains 97% of Earth’s water. The Oceans have the power to control everything from weather patterns to food chains.

50% of the total world’s oxygen produced is by the Ocean. It is 50 times more powerful than our atmosphere to absorb Co2. But now the oceans need our help. There are many ways in which we can help in saving the ocean.

Below, we have compiled 10 things we can do to save the ocean.

1. Check the Labels Before you Buy Seafood

The greatest threat to the ocean is overfishing. The global fish population is decreasing due to the high demand for seafood among nations. So, when you are in a grocery shop or at a restaurant, the best way to find out whether what you are consuming is sustainable or not is to check the label. Always look for MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) and ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) labels. These labels state that your seafood is from managed fisheries and farms.

2. Use Plastic-free Alternatives

17.6 billion pounds of plastic leak into the ocean every year. This disturbs the natural habitat of marine animals and destroys the marine ecosystem. We must urge the government to regulate the usage of plastic in our day-to-day life. Also, we should try to use plastic-free alternatives to plastic straws, polythene etc.

3. Reduce the Carbon Emission

Over, the past few years, the ocean water is getting warmer due to greenhouse gas emissions (C02). This affects how the fishes live, their reproduction system, and where fishes swim. But how can we reduce this emission?

To cut carbon emissions at home, we can turn off lights, unplug electronics when not in use and walk to the office. These small efforts, when done on a larger scale, will help the marine ecosystem to prosper.

4. Pick up Garbage Near the Beaches to Ensure Hygiene.

The plastic and litter found in the ocean begins on the beaches. So, ensure that you pick up garbage before leaving the beach. You can volunteer for beach clean-ups as well to help in keeping the beaches well oriented.

5. Smart Travel

Book your trips with companies that protect wildlife and practice fair methods. Once, you reach the destination be respectful of marine life and habitats, such as nesting. Don’t buy items like coral jewelry, shark products etc. that harm the ecosystem.

6. Teach People Across the Globe

Teach people what’s going on with the oceans and how they can contribute to the betterment of oceans. Spread awareness and join hands with them to make the marine ecosystem a better place.

7. Speak Out to the Policymakers

Become an advocate of the marine ecosystem, speak about the importance of the ocean. Tell your policymakers about the major issues and help them in changing the laws.

8. Use Less Fertilizer

Use fewer fertilizers as they end up in the ocean. Because of this, there is a low level of oxygen which is a threat. Since all marine life requires oxygen to live, they must die or flee from the area. Thus, using less fertilizer can help in the betterment of the marine ecosystem.

9. Use Sustainable Products

Avoid using cosmetics that contain shark squalene and jewelry made of turtle shells. Using sustainable products help in having a great ecosystem.

10. Vote on Ocean Issues

For a good ocean policy, you have to choose the right leader. So, do your research before voting and don’t let the day of the election be the only day you interact. Get in touch with them and ensure good policies for the conversation of the ecosystem.

11. Practice Safe Boating

Adhere to non-wake zones so that fisheries are not disturbed on regular basis. Check for harmful fumes and don’t dispose of them in the ocean. If you run aground, turn off your engine so that it does not harm the seafloor.

12. Watch Out for Whales

Boaters often encounter whales, turtles etc. while on the water. When watching the marine wildlife, maintain a proper distance and avoid feeding them. Also, follow all the rules and guidelines for viewing wildlife.

13. Use Social Media to Create Awareness

You can reach millions of people with the help of your social media. Write on important issues to build awareness about oceans. This will help people understand how they can make simple efforts to save the ocean.

14. Run Campaigns To Support Rezoning of Oceanic Ecosystems

The wider the scope of building a proper marine ecosystem, the more chances to support our fishes. Therefore, running campaigns towards rezoning of oceanic ecosystems will help in conserving the marine life.

15. Donate to Save The Seven Seas

Donate and get a chance to use the boat and submarine to clean garbage from the ocean floor or for underwater studies. This is a unique initiative you can be a part of to make an impact for the betterment of the oceans. So, what are you waiting for? Join your hands and Become a Savior of the ocean, today!

This article is for each individual who wants to protect the marine ecosystem. The list is random, but you can begin with things that affect your day-to-day life. Don’t forget it takes requisite motivation and compassion to rescue the earth’s ocean. Each individual effort makes a big difference in preserving our oceans. And if you have made it this far you are already one way ahead. Join Us Today, to make Oceans great again!


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