10 Reasons Why Oceans Are So Important

Do you know that ocean supports all life on Earth? We need oceans to survive on this planet. Yes! Indeed. The ocean is the heart of the planet. The ocean covers approximately 70.8 per cent of the surface of the earth and produces 70% of the oxygen. It provides us with life, food, entertainment and of course Sailing! Without it, we cannot live. But why should we care about the oceans so much? Does it matter if the species in the ocean, disappear? What would be the adverse effect on us?

Below is a brief list of 10 reasons why oceans are so important for us

1. Ocean is an important source of food.

For millions of people, fish is on the menu every day. It accounts for more than 16% of all animal protein consumed globally. Not everything is seafood and fish, however, and many people also rely on algae and sea plants to make sushi, sea grapes and more. But the world population is growing by 1.5 million every week, and we need to find more alternative food sources. This will create a sustainable approach to feeding the human population.

2. The Ocean helps us in breathing.

It is often considered that the primary source of oxygen is in the rainforest. This is Absolutely Wrong! The truth is that oceans are responsible for 70% of oxygen while only 28% comes from the rainforest. But have you seen any trees in the middle of the ocean?

No, right, because oceans don’t need them – they have Phytoplankton to cover it. Phytoplankton is a microscopic plant that acts in the same way as tree leaves on land. Phytoplankton absorbs CO2 and releases oxygen. As we don’t see them, we forget about them. But these tiniest beings are responsible for our existence.

3. The Ocean helps in regulating the Earth’s Climate.

In many ways, oceans actually manage the climate. Oceans absorb the heat and transport the warm water from the equators to the poles. They also transport cold water from the poles to the tropics.  Without them, the weather would be extreme and fewer places would be habitable. As oceans contain 97% of the earth water, they are also responsible for the rains. Oceans are thus considered a global climate system.

4. Many creatures are dependent on Oceans.

The ocean is home to plenty of creatures. When you sail across the oceans, you will see sharks, dolphins, whales, turtles coming up to take a breath. This is what we see, but in reality, there is more. According to the experts,  there are more than 300,000 species living underwater. They play a major role in the tropic chain of ecosystems. But, due to global warming, the number of different species are declining at a rapid rate. Thus, we should take proper actions to save the marine ecosystem.

5. Oceans create a lot of jobs for millions of people.

Around 59.6 million people have engaged themselves in fisheries and aquaculture. This was according to FAO 2016 reports. As per OECD, by 2030, 40 million people would be in ocean-based industries. The biggest part would be fisheries followed by tourism. But, challenges like climate change, water pollution is putting everything at risk. We need to protect the ocean to have sustainable job growth.

6. The Ocean is a happy place for tourists.

The ocean is a happy place! It’s where we swim, surf, dive and chill. Family holidays and parties are often on the beach. It connects us with people and creates a Zen vibe for us. Together we share a passion for the ocean. Thus, it becomes our responsibility to keep it clean.

7. The Ocean heals the body and mind.

Do you know that ocean have healing power? Yes, the ocean has a positive impact on the body and mind. The sensation of sea air cleansing our minds is phenomenal. When the face touches water, our heart rates slow down, and blood flows across the body. This relaxes our bodies and makes them warm. It will make the body more vibrant and alive. Thus, the ocean is therapeutic.

8. Oceans are essential for the economy.

The ocean plays a vital role in the world’s economy with more than 90 percent of trade done using sea routes. The global ocean economy produces millions of jobs each year for people. From fishers to geoscientists and lifeguards, there are huge numbers of jobs that rely on oceans.

9. Ocean helps us in creating medicine.

Many medical products come from the ocean that helps in fighting diseases. The diseases include cancers, arthritis, heart disease and Alzheimer’s diseases. Research have shown that marine invertebrates produce more anti-cancer, antibiotic substances. Thus, marine life plays an important role in the field of medicine.

10. Oceans have more historic artifacts than in the world’s museums.

Many ships have gone down in the oceans during the course of history. Thus, there are more artifacts buried at the bottom than there are in the museums. Underwater museums include the Mediterranean’s submerged bronze statue, Christ of the Abyss. These museums are one example of growing interest in oceans among individuals.

With time, there is increasing awareness about the importance of oceans in our life. WHO says the major risks include ”climate change, loss of biodiversity and more.” Thus, it is important for each individual to take steps to conserve our marine life. Without this commitment, our oceans’ existence is at great risk.

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